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Drum Coaching & Career Counseling.

   The key to any success is to invest in yourself and your future. But you can’t change a situation by using the same kind of systems and thinking that created it. You need to have the right knowledge, the right tools, and then take informed action. Seeing things is new ways. Taking an inventory of the resources you have. Implementing solutions that work.

   The Confident Drummer Coaching Sessions are a great opportunity if you feel it’s time to get unstuck and revolutionize your path in drumming and your career in the modern music scene, and you need some guidance.

   Eugenio offers all of his 25+ years of experience in the field, as an accomplished professional musician and educator, and also with his thorough knowledge and understanding of psychology, human behaviour, personal effectiveness and the most up-to-date self development techniques.

   This unique combination is very powerful in helping you improve your results and watch your skills and career take off.

   Now more than ever we feel that we want to actualize our potential and express our talent. In order to do that we need the right knowledge, and also the support and advice of someone who has personally been there, has mentored dozens of drummers, and can give us the tools to achieve the same for ourselves.

   As you’ve probably heard, ‘There is no favourable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go’.

   That’s why there’s so much demand for individual, personal consultation.

   Coaching works in 3 steps:

1– Asking you questions. To get to know you and understand you. Your abilities and experience, your identity, your story, your aspirations, your potential, your direction. And also your difficulties. We begin by discussing all of these, so that we can:

– Clarify your values and alignment, and create an inspiring vision.
– Help you define your goals and purpose, and outline your direction.
– Understand your inner resources, strengths and talents.
– Identify inner and outer obstacles.

2– Laying out reasonable strategic plans for you to take action. We are going to:

– Give you tools to remove obstacles and make things happen.
– Install empowering skills.
– Define a strategy that is tailored to your unique scenario and circumstances.

3– Holding you accountable for follow-through. We are going to:

– Give you feedback, make suggestions, make requests aligned to your desired outcome.
– Give you emotional support.
– Make sure you stick to the plans and assignments.
– Make you totally self-sufficient. Coaching is about equipping you with the mindsets, concepts and abilities you need to solve problems on your own.

   Coaching leads to breakthroughs that stick! This is the pathway to your growth and to fully actualize your potential. You are the protagonist!

   Coaching can last anywhere from a single session to a few months. We are going to make the training as simple as possible for you to get where you want to go. But not simpler.

   The coaching sessions are held via Zoom or Skype.

   For more information or to book one or more sessions, contact Eugenio directly at:

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